Well, Caroline has been 2 for a few months and life is constantly hilarious! Not a day goes by that she doesn't absolutely crack me up or shock me in some way. Today, she told me again that she is a "genius." She also said that her bed was going to turn into the beach during her nap and that she might need some sun"scream."
Her little brain works so quickly. She can hardly get her thoughts all out. She is learning to spell many words, having mastered her own name first! And recognizing all of her letters, thanks to Dr. Seuss's ABC's. Caroline LOVES puzzles, especially princess ones. She LOVES her books, her Disney friends and MUSIC! Boy, I'll have to brag, the girl has got rhythm. My favorite part of bath night is getting her out of the tub and watching her dance with her daddy.
Pure bliss.
I consider myself the luckiest woman in the world to love James and Caroline!
Don't get me wrong, she is 2! Caroline knows how to whine, runs from the Big Potty, and tests her boundaries. I say, bring it on! I'm already looking forward to whatever tomorrow brings. I do know that in the morning when I go to get her out of her bed, she will tell me how she is "sooo comfortable" and ask me to get in and snuggle with her. Of course, I will climb right in!
If I could just freeze time....
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