Sunday, April 1, 2012


Applying lipstick and Tinkerbell perfume for the trip!

Molly having her lunch awaiting her much needed hair appointment!

Picking the Hair Style
Liz the "saloner"

Headed to Legoland!

Lego Varsity
Lego Braves

Afternoon Icing Snack

James and I took Caroline on a special weekend trip. We want to spend some quality time with her before our family of 3 becomes a foursome. We decided not to go to the beach again this year because of "my condition," as James calls it:)
So, Atlanta was a close drive and offered an action packed time for us! The American Girl cafe and Salon were the biggest hit! You know, our Caroline aspires to be a "Saloner" when she grows up, so she Loved the doll salon. For only $20, they will style your doll's hair!
The lunch at AG Cafe was fun too. They have special booster seats for the dolls to sit at the table with you. Caroline drank pink lemonade and fed Molly her lunch.
We also hit the new Legoland at Phipps. It's pretty amazing to see all of the things you can build and do with little blocks. There were a couple of rides too. When James and C got off the first one, she looked at me and said, "It's a good thing you didn't ride because you probably would have been scared!"
After lots of shopping and yummy food, laughing and snuggling, sadly it was time to come home. This time with Caroline is so precious! We are really enjoying her!!
Next trip will be with baby brother!

1 comment:

  1. Fun trip! So glad y'all got to go. Cute pictures....C looked so pretty taking Molly to the salon!
